John McKean
Harpsichordist | Musicologist
January 27, 2019
Emmanuel Music: Sunday Cantata Series
10:00am | Emmanuel Episcopal Church | Boston, Massachusetts
J. S. Bach: “Alles nur nach Gottes Willen” (BWV 72)
November 11, 2019
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
3:00pm | St. John the Baptist Church | Brunswick, Maine
Maine Oratorio Chorale
Scott Metcalfe, concertmaster
Emily Isaacson, conductor
November 10, 2019
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
7:00pm | Woodfords Congregational Church | Portland, Maine
Maine Oratorio Chorale
Scott Metcalfe, concertmaster
Emily Isaacson, conductor
November 03, 2019
Chamber Music Concert - Harvard Early Music Society
7:30pm | Harvard Memorial Church | Cambridge, Massachusetts
Works by masters of the French Baroque.
Martin Bernstein, recorder | Salomé Gasselin, viola da gamba | John McKean, harpsichord
October 27, 2018
Chamber Music Concert - Gotham Early Music Scene
7:30pm | Church of the Epiphany, East 74th Street and York Avenue | Manhattan, New York
Works by masters of the French Baroque.
Martin Bernstein, recorder | Salomé Gasselin, viola da gamba | John McKean, harpsichord
October 21, 2018
Portland Bach Exerience: The Salon
11:00am | Private Residence | Portland, Maine
Join us for a brunch salon in Portland’s West End featuring Sarah Darling and John McKean, featuring works by Bach, Corelli, Biber, and others.
October 20, 2018
Portland Bach Experience: The Concert
7:00pm | The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary | Portland, Maine
Featuring Anachronism: returning Portland Bach Experience artists Sarah Darling, Jesse Irons, and Michael Unterman with award-winning soprano Ava Pine and harpsichordist John McKean
October 20, 2018
Lecture Demonstration: The Harpsichord
1:00pm | Rising Tide Brewing Company | Portland, Maine
September 16, 2018
Emmanuel Music: Sunday Cantata Series
10:00am | Emmanuel Episcopal Church | Boston, Massachusetts
J. S. Bach: “Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe?” (BWV 22)
August 01, 2018
An Evening of Music on an 18th-Century French Harpsichord
6:00pm | Museum of Fine Arts | Boston, Massachusetts
Join us for a change of pace from our usual gallery programs to hear a variety of keyboard repertoire from the late Baroque and Classical eras. Local performer John McKean performs on the Museum’s magnificent French harpsichord, made in Paris about 1736 by Henri Hemsch. This informal two-hour program takes place in Gund Gallery in conjunction with the special exhibition Casanova’s Europe: Art, Pleasure, and Power in the 18th Century. Bring a folding stool from the Sharf Information Center if you want seating.
July 26, 2018
Dilettare e Muovere: Virtuoso Instrumental Music of the Sixteenth Century
8:00pm | First Lutheran Church, Berkeley Street | Boston, Massachusetts
Repertoire for solo cornetto did not appear until the 1620s, so what did the earlier virtuosi perform? They made their own repertoire by adapting vocal polyphony, popular tunes and dance music, and improvising their own recercare and sonate. The musicians of In Stile Moderno continue this practice with their own adaptations of sixteenth century vocal and dance music, thereby creating something new and modern.
Nathaniel Cox, cornetto, & John McKean, harpsichord
July 25, 2018
Dilettare e Muovere: Virtuoso Instrumental Music of the Sixteenth Century
8:00pm | Chapel at West Parish | Andover, Massachusetts
Repertoire for solo cornetto did not appear until the 1620s, so what did the earlier virtuosi perform? They made their own repertoire by adapting vocal polyphony, popular tunes and dance music, and improvising their own recercare and sonate. The musicians of In Stile Moderno continue this practice with their own adaptations of sixteenth century vocal and dance music, thereby creating something new and modern.
Nathaniel Cox, cornetto, & John McKean, harpsichord
July 24, 2018
Dilettare e Muovere: Virtuoso Instrumental Music of the Sixteenth Century
8:00pm | St. Anne's in-the-Fields | Lincoln, Massachusetts
Repertoire for solo cornetto did not appear until the 1620s, so what did the earlier virtuosi perform? They made their own repertoire by adapting vocal polyphony, popular tunes and dance music, and improvising their own recercare and sonate. The musicians of In Stile Moderno continue this practice with their own adaptations of sixteenth century vocal and dance music, thereby creating something new and modern.
Nathaniel Cox, cornetto, & John McKean, harpsichord
July 14, 2018
18th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music
Palazzo Trecchi | Cremona, Italy
Paper presentation: Boundaries of Practice: National Styles, Pedagogical Networks, and Schools of Technique in the Baroque
June 24, 2018
Rockport Music: Handel Love Duets - Suzie Leblanc & Daniel Taylor
4:00pm | Shalin Liu Performance Center | Rockport, Massachusetts
The program opens with baroque chamber music performed by an ensemble led by violinist Adrian Butterfield, followed by Handel’s Love Duets by Leblanc and Taylor
June 21, 2018
Rockport Music: Classical Cabaret
10:00pm | Shalin Liu Performance Center | Rockport, Massachusetts
Ligeti: Continuum
June 07, 2018
Authorship in Historical Keyboard Music
3rd International Conference on Historical Keyboard Music | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Lisbon, Portugal
Paper presentation: The curious case of the Wegweiser: an organ tutor 'compiled by several good friends'
April 12, 2018
Harvard Baroque Chamber Music Concert
7:30pm | Harvard University, Memorial Church | Cambridge, Massachusetts
In celebration of the 350th anniversary of François Couperin's birth, this concert will center around works by this great French composer, and his predecessor Jean-Baptiste Lully. It will also feature works by Italian and German Baroque composers Corelli, Caldara, and Rosenmüller, among others.
March 11, 2018
Bach, Birthdays, and Bohemia
4:00pm | Avon Congregational Church | Avon, Connecticut
Works by François Couperin, J. S. Bach, H. I. F. Biber, and Buxtehude.
Emily Hale, violin | Ben Swartz, viola da gamba | John McKean, harpsichord
February 19, 2018
Lecture Recital: “Clavier-Übung”
7:30pm | Kulas Music Hall at Baldwin Wallace Conservatory | Berea, Ohio
In this lecture-recital, Riemenschneider Bach Institute Arnold Fellow John McKean explores the world of German Baroque keyboard music, from obscure 16th-century intabulations of vocal polyphony to the well-known 18th-century masterpieces of J.S. Bach. Alongside works by the likes of Froberger, Buxtehude, and Weckmann, McKean will present selections from the Wegweiser, a late-17th-century keyboard instruction manual, now in the collection of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute (RBI) at Baldwin Wallace. McKean is exploring this manual during his time as a Martha Goldsworthy Arnold Fellow at the RBI. Throughout the program, McKean will demonstrate how playing techniques changed and developed over the centuries, revealing how and why the keyboard works by Bach and his contemporaries are as much concrete artifacts of their authors’ keyboard-playing bodies as they are abstract products of their musical minds.
January 28, 2018
GroupMuse: West Roxbury Baroque
3:00pm | Private Residence, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Works by François Couperin, Uccellini, J. S. Bach, Biber, Cage, and Buxtehude.
Emily Hale, violin | Ben Swartz, viola da gamba | John McKean, harpsichord
January 28, 2018
Emmanuel Music: Sunday Cantata Series
10:00am | Emmanuel Episcopal Church | Boston, Massachusetts
J. S. Bach: “Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen?” (BWV 81)
December 07, 2017
Wine & Music: Early Music Evening
7:00pm | Community Music Center of Boston
Works by Leclair, Buxtehude, and J. S. Bach.
Pippa Ovenden, recorder | Ben Swartz, baroque cello & viola da gamba | John McKean, harpsichord
December 05, 2017
Tufts Early Music Ensemble: “Of Beasts, Birds, and the Seasons”
7:00pm | Distler Hall, Granoff Music Center of Tufts University | Medford, Massachusetts
Works by Farina, Arcadelt, Morley, Bull, Gabrieli, Cesare, Gastoldi, and others.
November 26, 2017
Emmanuel Music: Sunday Cantata Series
10:00am | Emmanuel Episcopal Church | Boston, Massachusetts
J. S. Bach: “Gloria in Excelsis Deo” (BWV 191)
October 22, 2017
A Far Cry Chamber Orchestra: “Music in Migration”
1:30pm | Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum | Boston, Massachusetts
Works by Telemann, Ruehr, Weinberg
October 21, 2017
A Far Cry Chamber Orchestra: “Music in Migration”
4:00pm | St. John’s Episcopal Church | Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Works by Telemann, Ruehr, Weinberg
October 20, 2017
A Far Cry Chamber Orchestra: “Music in Migration”
7:30pm | Phillips Exeter Academy | Exeter, New Hampshire
Works by Telemann, Ruehr, Weinberg
May 20, 2017
Historical Performance: Theory, Practice, and Interdisciplinarity (Conference)
Indiana University | Bloomington, Indiana
Paper presentation: Gaspard Le Roux’s Pièces de Clavecin and the Harpsichord Duet
May 07, 2017
Bethel Woods
Works by Marais, Francœur, Charpentier, and others.
Teresa Wakim, soprano | Asako Takeuchi, baroque violin | Andrew Arceci, viola da gamba; direction | Leon Schelhase, harpsichord | John McKean, harpsichord
May 06, 2017
Winchendon Music Festsival
3:00pm | Old Centre Church | Winchendon, Massachusetts
Works by Marais, Francœur, Charpentier, and others.
Teresa Wakim, soprano | Asako Takeuchi, baroque violin | Andrew Arceci, viola da gamba; direction | Leon Schelhase, harpsichord | John McKean, harpsichord
May 05, 2017
Winchendon Music Festsival
Works by Marais, Francœur, Charpentier, and others.
Teresa Wakim, soprano | Asako Takeuchi, baroque violin | Andrew Arceci, viola da gamba; direction | Leon Schelhase, harpsichord | John McKean, harpsichord
April 29, 2017
Greenville, South Carolina
Paper presentation: Bach’s Thumbs: Paired Fingering, Continuo Playing, and the Advent of Modern Keyboard Technique
April 08, 2017
American Musicological Society - New England Chapter Spring Conference
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Paper presentation: Bach’s Thumbs: Paired Fingering, Continuo Playing, and the Advent of Modern Keyboard Technique
December 18, 2016
Newburyport Chamber Music Festival
4:00pm | St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Newburyport, Massachusetts
Works by Vivaldi, Handel, and Bach
December 11, 2016
G. F. Handel: Messiah
First Parish Church | Brunswick, Maine
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November 01, 2016
Portland Symphony Orchetra
7:30pm | Merrill Auditiorium | Portland, Maine
J.S. Bach — Concerto for two violins in D minor, BWV 1043
October 23, 2016
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
3:00pm | Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts | Jacksonville, Florida
Handel: Water Music
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 4 & 5
Vivaldi: La Folia Variations
October 22, 2016
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
8:00pm | Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts | Jacksonville, Florida
Handel: Water Music
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 4 & 5
Vivaldi: La Folia Variations
October 21, 2016
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
8:00pm | Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts | Jacksonville, Florida
Handel: Water Music
J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 4 & 5
Vivaldi: La Folia Variations